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Gun Salutes


This academy was first established in Shanghai on 16th June, 1946, and had relocated thrice. On 1st April, 1947, it moved from Shanghai to Tsingdao. On 21st February, 1949, it moved from Tsingdao to Hsiamen, and to Taiwan on 26th September of the same year. It finally settled at Sze Yin, and has become the cradle of elite naval officers.
 Since its relocation to Taiwan, many splendid buildings and structures have been built. In 1991, the entire academy had a brand new, superbly designed campus with a library, the Chuan Chin building, Tze Chiang building, Yen Fu building, and Sun Yat Sen building, and TV production center. In the administration zone, one can find the administration building, Chung Chen building, the hall of military history. In the zone for student life, one can find the Chin Duan building, Min Teh building, the Shi Da building and the Wang Deh Building housing student dormitories, the student canteen, and activity center. In the physical exercise zone, there is the gymnasium, named after naval heroes.
 Most of the exhibits in the hall of military history and Hsiao Garden inspire and encourage cadets to value their heritage. These include the statue of Cheng Ho, sea dragon submarine, torpedo received, molded canon from Ching dynasty, amphibian carrier, missile, Japanese-made anchor, Dan Yang rudder, Yen Ping stone sculpture, and the clock tower.
 Alumni feel grateful to the academy for the exhibits. These include the front mural at the school gate, globe, clock tower, statue of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, stone monument, clock building, statue of Cheng Chen Kung and Cheng Ho, sundial, sculpture of “Handed down Torch” . A tree planted bears the inscription by Admirals Liu, Gu, Wu, and Miao. They have all expressed their great expectation of the cadets of the academy.
 Anyone who steps into the academy will be impressed by the beauty of the campus. Its natural beauty of old trees and historic structures are reflected in the Ho Ran Pavilion, large banyan, and Fu Shin building. In addition, one could find statues and exhibits everywhere. It is a venue for the development of the navy’s best talents.
 The transmission of values from general education has been greatly important and is the way to nurture cadets with humanity and virtuous leadership. They also serve to develop the personalities of the cadets.
Gun Salutes Flash
 The campus is now being renovated to gradually beautify its facade. At night and illuminated by a spotlight, it will have an imposing appearance. It will have an impact on the minds of those who live and work within its environment.
 Aside from this work of beautification, the “environmental education” will give cadets essential knowledge about the monuments on campus. Without this education, cadets would only see but not understand, hear but never grow in knowledge. Only if a cadet has genuine knowledge and appreciation of the monuments on campus could they remember and keep as their inspiration, the principles of this “environmental education.”
 In the book “The Spirit of West Point Leadership,” the author writes “most organizations do not take its own history seriously as if they could re-write or abandon it at will. However, we have constantly looked to West Pointer leadership as a model, and have inspired students to look up to their traditions and cherish them even more than West Pointers.”
 This is why many buildings on campus are named after outstanding naval officers. We also have sculptures donated by alumni. In addition, many monuments in the academy could have a tremendous impact on cadets, helping to inspire in them the ideal of service with devotion and sacrifice. This brochure was published in the hope that it serves as a “general knowledge passport” for each cadet to learn about these monuments. Ultimately, they will become the noble leaders with great humanistic qualities, serving the navy in the new century.