To enhance the developing potential of the disciples of the ROC navy, Electrical Engineering Department at ROC Naval Academy cultivate prospective naval officers with an ability of applying knowledge of mathematic, science, and engineering to meet the growing challengs in the ROC navy systems. The courses associated with power mechanics, control systems, telecommunications, radar, digital signal and image processing, optical electronics and analog/digital circuit are provided to train and foster the leading conductors for the modern ROC navy and also to make the reserve officers to be prepared to apply the fundamental concepts to address and solve the problems that arise in their future service at sea.
The EE department currently has 7 faculty members including 2 professors, 2 associate professors, 1 assistant professor, 1 senior lecturer, and 1 teaching assistant. The 7 faculty members hold an earned doctorate in Electrical Engineering or related fields and one of them is pursuing further studies in Taiwan. All instructors show strong commitment to teaching and the ability to develop and sustain an externally funded/un-funded research program and administrative affairs of a college.
Midshipmen in the Electrical Engineering Program have access to a thorough assortment of laboratory and research facilities due to the learning relationship between Navy and Electrical Engineering. The seven fully equipped laboratories for electrical engineering teaching and research are available to students and faculties. These are for electrical mechanics, power distribution, microprocessor, signal processing, digital engineering, electronics and digital/analog circuit. In addition, the laboratories for telecommunications, radar and power systems will soon be established well in the future.
The Electrical Engineering program educational objectives are developed based on the mission of ROC Naval Academy Electrical Engineering Department, ROC Naval Academy Navigate Mechanics and the requirement of ROC Naval Academy undergraduate program constituents. They include 24 courses with fifty-one credit hours. The ROC Naval Academy Electrical Engineering program educational purposes are to :
- Produce graduates proficient in the essential of electrical engineering prepared for a Navy career.
- Produce graduates who are able to apply the fundamentals of electrical engineering to address and
solve the engineering problems met in Navy life. - Produce graduates with capability of keeping continuously to enhance naval officers in research and sea services.
In the future, the development of the EE Department will mainly concentrate on the research associated with the affairs of Navy. For upholding the high professional standards and strong research orientation, the EE Department is committed to the pursueing glory in its teaching and research improvement for the midshipmen of ROC Naval Academy .