█ Mission Statement
An interdisciplinary engineering major, mechanical and marine engineering involves the study of ship structure and power system and application of engineering principles related to naval architecture. In addition, the basic courses taught in classroom, some quest lecturers are invited. The invited speakers (senior naval officers or researchers from other organizations and shipbuilding industry) bring their own experiences into the classroom and provide students with real world examples as to how engineering concepts affect different warfare specialties. The program in the department of mechanical and marine engineering offers students a well-balanced preparation for the ready assimilation of naval officers.
All teachers are involved in the variety of research projects. The objectives of the research projects are as follows:
- Provide the solutions and applicable suggestions for the real problems occurred in the warship.
- Transfer the modern information and technology based on the results of the research projects to other naval departments.
- Improve teaching quality by introducing the application of the results of the research projects.
█ Future Development
To enhance the developing potential of the disciples of Taiwan Navy, mechanical and marine engineering at Naval Academy, cultivate prospective navy officers with an ability of applying knowledge of naval architecture, propulsion systems and fluid mechanics to meet the challenging growth in Taiwan Navy system. The courses associated with fundamentals of naval architecture are provided to train and foster the leading conductors for the modern Navy and also to make the reserve officers to be prepared to apply the fundamental concepts to solve the problems that arise in their naval service. Besides the study of professional knowledge, the students are encouraged to build their own ship model with utility of all levels of design and experimentation which relate to mechanical engineering. With 3-D CAD software, preliminary ship model design can be done efficiently; with computational software, the structure stability and dynamic analysis can be performed. With extensive use of designed computer environment, optimized design of ship structure, such as sizing and maneuvering, can be achieved. During this process, the students learn how to build the components of ship structure, such as frame, girder, bulkhead and keel, etc. Propulsion design also needs to be conducted to determine the best set of propellers and to check the shaft horsepower that will be required to steer the ship model at top or cruising speeds. During the process of ship model construction and competition, there is a chance that the student officer will develop a feeling of respect and a collective skill for the most practical methods of maintaining and using the ship as intended.
█ Mechanical and Power System Curriculum
The department has trained a great amount of naval officers who have strong background on the mechanical engineering and thermodynamic fields and serve as engineering or administrative personnel in the different departments of our country, such as the warship, maintenance department, research institute and shipbuilding factory. The department has high qualified civilians and military faculties members and extensive laboratory facilities. Currently, we have 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 3 assistant professors and 1 assistant. Based on the long-term development plan, we aim to employ several professors to expand our teaching and research abilities. There are three main teaching laboratories in the department, including computer-aided engineering design laboratory, electro-mechanical and automatic control laboratory, and heat-fluid system laboratory. To meet the educational goals, two more laboratories, solid mechanics laboratory and numerical simulation laboratory, are under construction and expected to be completed in the year 2004. The overall curriculum in the department of mechanical and marine engineering supports the students to enhance their ability to understand and design naval systems and to supervise the operation of these systems. With the complement between theories and experiments, the students are capable of performing effectively in the complex environment of warship; with the skills and knowledge learned from fundamental courses, they will meet the needs of begining successfully as naval officers in the navy.