█ Research Field
◎Leadership theory、values of workplace、career develop
◎Conflict and workplace stress management
◎Optimal combination theory
◎Reliability and Quality control
◎The design of computer architecture and the performance analysis of algorithm
◎Multimedia system
◎Information management
Journal |
[1]Ting-Peng Liang and Hung-Jen,Lai, “Effect of store design on consumer purchases: an empirical study of on-line bookstores,” Information & Management, 2002. [2]賴宏仁,龔榮源等,使用資料探勘技術進行問卷分析之研究--以醫療服務品質為例,管理研究學報, 2005年。 [3] Hung-Jen,Lai, “Personalized Content Recommendation and User Satisfaction: Theoretical Synthesis and Empirical Findings,” JMIS, 2006. [4] Sheng-Yi Li, Yi-Yao Yeh and Feng-Tai Hwang, “Mission Track Coordination Based Multi-Objective Optimization for Multi-Satellite Imaging Scheduling,” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013. [5] 李勝義、葉憶瑤、黃楓台,應用於特定場景之最佳化衛星取像排程演算法,中正嶺學報,2013年。 [6] Chen-Hua Fu and Yi-Yao Yeh, “A Study on a Differentiated Service Queuing Scheme Based on Transmitted BytesWithin a UMTS Core Network Gateway,” Wireless Personal Communications, 2013. [7] Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H., “Optimization of System Availability for a Multi-State Preventive Maintenance Model from the Perspective of a System’s Components,” RAIRO-Operation Research, Vol. 49, No. 4, 773-794, 2015. [8] Huang, C. H. and Wang, C. H., “Optimization of Preventive Maintenance for a Multi-State Degraded System by Monitoring Component Performance,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 27, No. 6, 1157-1170, 2016. [9] Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H., “Improved Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing Periodic Preventive Maintenance Costs in Series-Parallel Systems,” International Journal of Engineering Research & Science, Vol. 2, Issue. 8, 129-140, 2016. [10] Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H., “A study of Availability-Centered Preventive Maintenance for Aging Multi-state K-out-of-N Systems ,” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications , Vol. 7, Issue. 12, 10-16, 2017. [11] Huang, C. H. and Wang, C. H., “A Time-Replacement Policy for Multi-State Systems with Aging Components under Maintenance, from a Component Perspective,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering , Vol. 2019, Article ID 9651489, 1-12, 2019 [12] Chen, G. L., Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H. “Improved Availability Index for Repairable Fuzzy Multi-State Systems,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 212927-212938, 2020 [13] Huang, C. H., Wang, C. H. and Chen, G. L. “Multiobjective Multistate System Preventive Maintenance Model with Human Reliability,” International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6623810 [14] Wang, C. H., Huang, C. H. and You, D. G. “Condition-Based Multi-State-System Maintenance Models for Smart Grid System with Stochastic Power Supply and Demand,” Sustainability, 2022, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14137848 [15]余政倫,淺談新型態「資訊戰」及網路攻防結合運用,海軍學術雙月刊,56卷2期,2022年。 |
Conference |
[1] Hung-Jen,Lai and Ting-Peng Liang, “Discovering User Interests from Web Browsing Behavior: An Application to Internet News Services,” 2002. [2] Yi-Yao Yeh, Feng-Tai Hwang, and Sheng-Yi Li, “Probability Distribution Based Time Selection Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization in Satellite Imaging Scheduling,” 2010. [3] Feng-Tai Hwang, Yi-Yao Yeh, and Sheng-Yi Li, “Multi-Objective Optimization for Multi-Satellite Scheduling System,” 2010. [4] Yi-Yao Yeh and Sheng-Yi Li, “A Scenario Based Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Earth Observing Satellites,” 2010. [5] Yi-Yao Yeh and Sheng-Yi Li, “Geometry Analysis Based Genetic Algorithm For Satellite Imaging Scheduling,” 2011. [6] Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H., “An Optimal Replacement Policy for Systems with Multi-State Aging Components,” The 21st International Society of Science and Applied Technologies (ISSAT) International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design, Philadelphia, Aug. 6-8, 2015. [7] 蔡勝旺、王春和、黃釗輝、林有洋、吳俊諺,“戰鬥機系統作戰效能分析”,第24屆國防科技學術研討會,桃園,台灣,2015。 [8] 黃釗輝、王春和、吳俊諺、林有洋,“具多狀態退化元件之多狀態系統效能的評估及預防維修模式的建構與最佳化”,第24屆國防科技學術研討會,桃園,台灣,2015。 [9] Wang, C. H., Huang, C. H. and Lin, Y. Y., “Optimization of Preventive Maintenance for a Systems with Aging Components,” The 22st International Society of Science and Applied Technologies (ISSAT) International Conference on Reliability & Quality in Design, Los Angeles, Aug. 4-6, 2016. [10] Huang, C. H. and Wang, C. H., “Improved Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing Periodic Preventive Maintenance Costs in Series- Parallel Systems,” The 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM 2016), Seoul, Aug. 24-26, 2016. [11] 林有洋、王春和、黃釗輝,“包含多功能備援元件之複雜系統的預防維修模式建構與最佳化”,海軍官校「海洋科學與應用」學術研討會,高雄,台灣,2016。 [12] 林有洋、王春和、黃釗輝,“具多功能備援元件之多狀態退化系統的可用度最佳化”, 第十二屆台灣作業研究學會年會暨學術研討會,台北,台灣,2016。 [13] 黃釗輝、王春和、吳俊諺,“n中取k之多狀態系統的預防維修模式最佳化”,第25屆國防科技學術研討會,桃園,台灣,2016。 [14] Huang, C. H., Wang, C. H., and Lin Y. Y., “Maintenance Strategy Analysis of a Multi-State Redundant System for Satellite,” The 31st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS 2017), Matsuyama-Ehime, Japan, Jun. 3-9, 2017. [15]Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H., “A practical preventive maintenance for aging multi-state K-out-of-n systems,” The 23rd ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Chicago, Illinois, USA, Aug. 3-5, 2017. [16]黃釗輝、王春和,“基隆級艦推進系統動態效益評估 ”,海軍官校「迎向海洋,逐夢啟航」學術研討會,第267至274頁,高雄,台灣,2017。 [17] Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H., “A Multi-Objective Optimization of Preventive Maintenance for Multi-State Aging Systems,” The 24th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 2-4, 2018. [18] Huang, C. H. and Wang, C. H., “Establishing a Maintenance Model Considered both Time-based and Conditional-base Degraded System with Application in Space Power System,” The 32st International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS), Fukui, Japan, Jun. 15-21, 2019. [19] Wang, C. H. and Huang, C. H., “Optimization of a PM Model for a Hybrid Power System,” The 25th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design, Las Vegas, USA, Aug. 1-3, 2019. [20]王樂民,王春和,陳建璋,黃釗輝,”船舶輔機及傳動系統可用度分析”,海軍官校「迎向海洋、逐夢啟航」學術研討會,高雄,台灣,2019。 [21]沈世明,王春和,黃釗輝,”預防維修方案建構與最佳化-以直升機動力傳動系統為例”,第28屆國防科技學術研討會,桃園,台灣,2019。 [22]李宜鴻、鍾嘉文、黃釗輝、王春和,”艦艇推進系統可靠度配當”,海軍軍官學校「迎向海洋、逐夢啟航」學術研討會,高雄,台灣,2020。 [23]羅雅蕾,王春和,黃釗輝,”預防維修策略建構與最佳化-以輪型甲車傳動系統為例” ,第29屆國防科技學術研討會,桃園,台灣,2020。 |
NSTC Plan |
[1] 王春和、黃釗輝、柯琳耀,“多元件退化系統預防維修模式之建構與最佳化”,NSC 101-2221-E-606-012,101/08/01~102/07/31。 [2] 王春和、黃釗輝、高華民,“元件最小維修之多元件退化系統的最佳置換策略”,NSC 102-2221-E-606-010,102/08/01~103/07/31。 [3] 黃釗輝、林有洋、吳俊諺、李秉錡,“建構一個具老化多狀態元件之多狀態系統的時間置換策略”,MOST 104-2218-E-012-002,104/08/01~105/09/30。 [4]葉憶瑶,“多衛星取像排程之研究”, MOST 105-2218-E-012-001,105/08/01至106/07/31。 [5] 黃釗輝、張又仁,“具n中取k之老化多狀態系統預防維修策略最佳化”,MOST 105-2221-E-012-002,105/08/01~106/07/31。 [6] 黃釗輝、張又仁,“結合通用生成函數之n中取k之多狀態退化系統多目標預防維修模式研究”,MOST 106-2221-E-012-002,106/08/01~107/07/31。 [7] 黃釗輝、陳冠良、游登貴,“建立同時考量以時間及條件為基之多狀態退化系統智能化維護模型-以運用於基礎建設電力系統及飛機動力系統為例”,MOST 107-2221-E-001-MY2,107/08/01~110/07/31。 |
MND Plan |
[1] 葉憶瑶、黃釗輝,“以模糊最短路徑演算法處理國軍後勤支援問題之研究”,109/01/01~110/12/31。 [2] 黃釗輝,“水下作戰戰術模擬之關鍵性研究”,111/04/01~113/12/31。 |